Washington county arkansas court records archives. Processing Information.
Washington county arkansas court records archives County Boards + Equalization Board; Law Library Board; County Library Board; Planning Board; Rural Development Authority (RDA) Animal Concerns Advisory Board; Former County Judges-County Judges 1979-Present; County Judges 1953-1978; County Judges 1927-1952; County Judges 1901-1926; County Judges 1875-1900; County Judges 1830-1874; Around the County Land Records include: 1888 Topographic map of Washington County ; Original Entry Record, 1832-1896; Original Entry Record Plat Book, 1832-1896; Deed & Mortgage Records, 1834-1991; Original Plat of Fayetteville, 1834; Atlas of Washington County, 1908; Plat Records, 1870-2001 (original copies at the Circuit Clerk's Office) Washington County, AR Home Menu. Phone: (479) 444-1730 Washington County, AR Home Menu. Arkansas Territory. In Person, with valid photo identification from owner/owners; By mail, forms must be notarized prior to mailing. S. Washington County Archives 4 S College Ave Fayetteville, AR 72701. The Washington County Clerk's Office maintains a database where Directory of court locations in Washington County, Arkansas. arkansas. Pay Taxes Road For development permits; For a marriage license; For a property tax credit; For a property tax exemption; Find. Phone: (479) 444-1500 Email Search online Family court records for free in Washington County Arkansas Courts by case number, case name, party, attorney, judge, docket entry, and more. 1975-1976: Circuit Clerk will offer to the public the property designated by the Circuit Court to sell at auction. Who should I contact if I have other questions? Marriage Licenses When & Where. At that time records were transferred to the Washington County Archives. The courthouse and other county offices will be closed on the following dates. Criminal records are official files on arrests, court actions, and correctional facilities. Bidders must qualify under the TERMS OF SALE as prescribed by the law. Processed by NEWS Archived News Mountaineering in Washington State Nov 05, 2024. Phone 870. Klinger (chairman), John DuPree, David L. gov We do not keep the Good Thru dates for the Civil, Criminal, Domestic Relations and Juvenile court records on this site. This includes both civil and criminal case County Courthouse [edit | edit source] Benton County Courthouse 215 E. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Washington County Archives, Historic Washington County Court House, 4 South College, Suite 204, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701; Northeast Arkansas Regional Archives, 11 Seventh St. Processing Information. This amazing photo shows Walter Gonnason (ca. Phone: (479) 444-1543. Emergency services and 24 hour detention facilities will remain available. We will accept Search online Property court records for free in Washington County Arkansas Courts by case number, case name, party, attorney, judge, docket entry, and more. and legal custodian(s), the Intake Officer may interview complainants, victims, and witnesses, as well as review records of the Court, of law enforcement, of the public, or of any other agency. All sales will be in the Quorum Courtroom at the Washington County Courthouse on the second floor. Administrative Office of the Courts 625 Marshall Street Little Rock, AR 72201. Search. Phone: (479) 444-1500 Email In Washington County, record seekers can get criminal records from the Arkansas State Police (ASP). 3, 1835; probate records from Oct. Email. A complete return address must be used, including first and last name: Jane Doe 101 My Street MyTown, AR 11111 Libraries & Museums & Archives 1621. Hours 7:30am - 4:30pm M-F Contact. Archived records; County locations; Court records; Libraries; Maps & data; Property records; Recycling locations; Warrants; Washington County Legal description must be present within document (we only accept Washington County, Arkansas documents) Any prior instrument numbers (book & pages) associated with the document much be listed on the first page; Acknowledged and Notarized (16-47-107), if recording a document in the Circuit Clerk’s office, we have notaries available Court Record Archives: Location: Washington County, Arkansas: Data Source: Washington County Circuit Clerk: Description: Search official court records for cases identifiable with a person or organization. 280 N. Phone: (479) 442-1595 Fax: (479) 442-1608 Email Operates the system of county roads; Administers ordinances enacted by the quorum court; Has custody of county property; Accepts grants from federal, state, public, and private sources; Hires county employees except those employed by other elected officials of the county; Presides over the quorum court without a vote, but with the power of veto JailATM. The Washington County Courthouse is located in Fayetteville, Arkansas. 21. (Elm Springs) 1886-1889: Washington County Courthouse 280 N College Ave, Fayetteville, AR 72701. Kincaid. Minorities 9. Office Elected/Appointed Official Term Served; Coroner: Ahrend, T. Washington County Marriage & Divorce Records - County Courts Category: Courts Fayetteville -City - District Court 100 West Rock 1908 Plat Book of Washington County; Administrative & Financial Records ; An Oral History of Washington County; Brief History of County Buildings; Court Records; Land Records; Licenses & Registrations; School Records; Tax & Assessment Records; Elected Officials, 1829-2018; Justices of the Peace, 1835-2018 Washington County, AR Home Menu. You can file in Washington County by submitting the completed certificate form and the $25. Era Name Term; 1874-1928 (Levying Court) Aaron, D. Applicants must be present and together when applying for the license, ; Must be 18 years of age or older without parental consent. Search ARCourts also links to documents for some public court records so you can see the actual filings in the case. On March 1, 1929, the Quorum Court agreed to donate a part of the county grounds to the Arkansas National Guard (County Court Record V, pages 568-570). Washington County Coroner 2769 S Brink Dr Fayetteville, AR 72701. Search Arkansas History Commission's catalog of archive records Washington County Courthouse 280 N College Ave, Fayetteville, AR 72701. 6521 Fax 870. Members were Timothy C. Central, Suite 217 Bentonville, AR 72712-0699 Telephone: 479-238-0120 Benton County Website County Clerk has marriage records from 1861 and probate records from 1859 Clerk Circuit Court has divorce, court, and land records. They can be downloaded by clicking on the icons below. 2024 Holiday Schedule Washington County, AR Home Menu. digitalarchives. Probate record book of the Washington County Court, including wills, appointments of estate executors, and other probate records from 1829-1839. It is possible that these transcripts were made for the Arkansas WPA Court Records illustrate Washington County's legal history. [ Search Tip] The Missouri's Judicial Records database can be searched by entering a name in Last Name, First Name order. Includes civil, criminal and probate cases. County locations; Court records; Libraries; Maps & data; Property records; Recycling locations; Warrants; View + Washington County Courthouse 280 N Washington County Courthouse 280 N College Ave, Fayetteville, AR 72701. Director Marty Sullivan 501-682-9400. Aviles, and William R. District Court for the Eastern District; 21. NEARA is a branch of the Arkansas History Commission. Probation or parole cases through adult courts are supervised by Arkansas Community Correction. Searching by years requires the Contact. Historic court records offer tremendous insight into the daily lives of Missourians throughout society. 6:00 PM County Services (RESCHEDULED FOR 3-11-2025) 4 5 For Court Records less than 15 Years Old Please note: Generally, federal court records less than 15 years old are still in the possession of individual courts and are not held by the National Archives. Chancery Court Records (Jefferson County, Arkansas), 1876-1920, at FS. For example, the Saline County Sheriff’s Office, Washington County Sheriff’s Office, Benton Sheriff’s Office, and Sebastian County Sheriff’s Office allow public access to the inmate records via their homepages. Archived records; County locations; Court records; Libraries; Maps & data; It is the mission of the Washington County Drug Treatment Court to promote public safety and quality of Washington State Archives, Digital Archives is the first Digital Archives in the nation to Preserve the electronic Records of both State and Local Government. Includes local links to searching court records, dockets, legal research, self help, and more. The court house was centrally located in the city of Washington, which is now modern-day Washington County Courthouse 280 N College Ave, Fayetteville, AR 72701. Washington County Public Defender 123 N College Ave Fayetteville, AR 72701. College Ave, Ste 300 Fayetteville, AR 72701. Division 8 is governed by Judge Diane Warren. Washington County Clerk 280 N College Ave, Ste 300 Fayetteville, AR 72701. Act To Create Washington County; Contents of Washington County Time Capsule; Courthouse Steeple Replacement; First County Courthouse About Washington County Archive. Phone: (479) 444-1538 Fax: (479) 444-1537 Email Washington County, AR Home Menu. 1 Records of the U. 00 cash filing fee; no checks or credit cards. The Washington County Board of Education closed its office on June 30, 2000. gov. Circuit Clerk will sell the designated property to the highest bidder. You are required to file in the county/counties in which you conduct business. Washington County Circuit Clerk 280 N College Ave, Ste 302 Fayetteville, AR 72701. For the Fayetteville office of Arkansas Community Correction, call (479) 443-8000. Names & Surnames 316. We file and process all the court documents for Civil, Domestic Relations, Criminal and Juvenile cases. Division 8 splits equally with Division 3, governed by Judge Stacey Zimmerman, all Juvenile Dependent Neglect, Family In Need of Services, and Delinquency cases. Washington County – Maps Washington County Courthouse 280 N College Ave, Fayetteville, AR 72701. Archives-1908 Plat Book of Washington County; Administrative & Financial Records ; An Oral History of Washington County; Brief History of County Buildings; Court Records; Land Records; Licenses & Registrations; School Records; Tax & Assessment Records; Elected Officials, 1829-2018; Justices of the Peace, 1835-2018 Find vital records from Washington County, Arkansas. Then we maintain those records and all appeals in our office. Washington County Detention Center-Population Summary Data; Detainee Roster (Detailed) Detention Intake Report (Last Three Days) Detainee Charge Report Washington County Circuit Court Division 8 was a newly created division in 2020. Find Washington County, Arkansas birth, death, marriage and divorce records and contact your local vital record office to obtain a copy of the record you desire. Search Washington County This collection consists of transcribed records of Washington County Circuit Court from March 1829 to June 1836. 50. Drug Court Website Land Record Search 1834-1991; This online index of archived records has been created for your convenience. Wednesday 9:00am - 3:00pm (Lunch 12-1) Washington County Courthouse 280 N College Ave, What genealogical records can I find in the Washington County Courthouse? Researchers frequently overlook the great importance of Washington County court, probate, and land records data as a useful resource of ancestry and genealogy information. Powers, Lorel D. wa. Washington County Courthouse 280 N College Ave, The duties of the office of county sheriff in Arkansas are divided into 3 major areas. balance For Attorneys. Real Estate Tax Records (1868-2003) After the 1948 tax season, Washington County discontinued using large tax record books and developed in its place the unit tax ledger system. 50 Records of U. 9, 1837; marriage records from 1845, except the record of the period between 1861 and Today, the Arkansas State Archives continues its tradition of organizing and maintaining the history of Arkansas by collecting and preserving state, county and federal records, manuscript materials, newspapers, military records, family histories, an extensive Arkansas history and genealogy library and a collection of Arkansas art and artifacts. W. Learn more from the Encyclopedia of Arkansas History and Culture. The Washington County Circuit Clerk’s office provides an online portal where individuals can search for and view publicly accessible court records. Pay Taxes Road Concerns Bids Online Services For development permits; For a marriage license; For a property tax credit; For a property tax exemption; Find. Phone: (479) 444-1711 Email Courts records/files held at the Washington State Archives include supreme, superior, district, criminal, domestic, juvenile, and probate files. Also, you are Access to circuit and probate court records for Washington County, Arkansas. School Records housed in the Archives include: County Supervisor's Annual Reports, 1937-1998 ; Minutes of the Board of Education, 1920-2000 ; School Census Records, 1928-1978 The city was gone by the end of 1928 (County Court Record V, page 530). For development permits; For a marriage license; For a property tax credit; For a property tax exemption; Find. account_balance For Courts. County court records are complete from Aug. Created by Granicus Connecting People & Government. Also, you are always welcome to view the original handwritten indices housed in the Washington County Archives. 1950), explorer and mountaineer, rappelling from Pinnacle For TIPS on navigating Search ARCourts,Click Here. Archived records; County locations; Court records; Libraries; Maps & data; Property records; Recycling locations; Warrants; Washington County Washington County; Washington County Sheriff's Office Sheriff Jay Cantrell Phone: (479) 444-5700 FAX: (479) 444-5813 Address: 1155 Clydesdale Drive, Fayetteville, AR 72701 Jail Inmate List of Washington County. Located in Fayetteville, Arkansas, the archives house a collection of historical records, including Washington County, AR Home Menu. Jefferson County – Land and Property Washington County, Arkansas Miscellaneous Record Book, Ca. Territorial Court and its successor superior (county) courts; 21. 91 / HR: DOCKET/ RECORDS ASSISTANT - Division VII Washington County's normal office hours are 8:00am - 4:30pm, Monday - Friday. Archived records; County locations; Court records; Libraries; Maps & data; Property records; Recycling locations Archives; Assessor 338 North Washington Avenue: N Register, 1978: Fayetteville: Walker-Knerr-Williams House: Knerr Road: N Register, 1975: Fayetteville: Walker-Stone House: 207 West Center Street: N Register, 1970: Fayetteville: Washington County Courthouse (old) 4 South College Avenue: N Register, 1972: Fayetteville: Washington County Jail (old) 90 South College Washington County Courthouse 280 N College Ave, Suite 250 Fayetteville, AR 72701 Phone (479) 444-1520 . Circuit Court Judges; County Judge & County Clerk; Court of Appeals; Court Reporters; District Courts; folder_copy Court Records. per County Court & Quorum Court Records. Marriage licenses can be obtained Monday through Friday, from 8:00am-4:30pm at the County Clerk’s office: . Medical 83. View Full Site Contact. Search Start Search. County Court (Washington County) (Organization) Additional Washington County court records are held by the Washington County Archives. A county government office in Rogers, Arkansas, that issues marriage licenses, records ministers' Learn more about how to lookup and obtain Washington County inmate records, criminal records, arrest records, court records, bankruptcy records, sex offender information, vital records and To search for criminal court records in Washington County, Arkansas, start by utilizing online tools and courthouse resources. View Full Site 1908 Plat Book of Washington County; Administrative & Financial Records ; An Oral History of Washington County; Brief History of County Buildings; Court Records; Land Records; Licenses & Registrations; School Records; Tax & Assessment Records; Elected Officials, 1829-2018; Justices of the Peace, 1835-2018 Licenses & Registrations housed in the Archives include: Incorporation Records (Not-for-Profit), 1829-1993; Livestock Records (Estray & Brand Records), 1871-1969 For Birth & Death Records (Begin in 1914): Arkansas Department of Health Division of Vital Records 4815 West Markham, Slot 44 Washington County Courthouse 280 N College Ave, Washington County has grown from small settlements of farms, mills, and orchards into one of the most affluent and prosperous counties in the state. Phone: (479) 444-1500 Email Washington County Courthouse 280 N College Ave, Fayetteville, AR 72701. Washington County, AR Home Menu. Find property records, vital records, inmate and court records, professional and business licenses, contractor licenses and much more. Hours. groups For Public. In Washington County, Arkansas, court records are partially available online, allowing the public access to certain documents and case information. 1840-1879, at FS. Benton County, Arkansas [edit | edit source]. Records (479) 444-5785 Warrants: (479) 444-5800 Criminal: (479) 444-5720 Fire: (479) 444-5740. Washington County Assessor 280 N College Ave, Ste 250 Fayetteville, AR 72701. 3 Records of the This site is the Circuit Clerk Index only. Filter cases further by date of filing, case type, party type, party representation, and more. The Washington County Archives, a part of the Washington County government, offers research services to the public. Circuit and Probate cases are now on AOC Court Connect at https://caseinfo. Although the county was running out of space inside the courthouse, it still had a large lot to the south. Finance & Administration Washington County, AR Home Menu. In 2003 Washington County Judge Jerry Hunton and the Washington County Quorum Court created the Historic Washington County Court House Advisory Board to make recommendations on the restoration of the historic structure. Records include Chancery Case Files, 1870-1973; Civil Case Files, 1865-1973; and Criminal Case Contact. Beginning with 1829, they contain information on civil and criminal cases, as well as divorces, property disputes, and disputes Cristi Beaumont Division IV (Drug Court) PO Box 4703 Fayetteville, AR 72702. View Full Site The following Personal Property Tax Records were badly damaged in a flood in 1996 and had to be discarded after microfilming: 1881, 1894, 1946-1948. 2 Records of the U. Washington County began as part of the Cherokee Territory, following an 1817 treaty. This online index of archived records has been created for your convenience. Pay Taxes Road Concerns Bids Online Services Calendar. CodeRED Weather Smart911. To obtain access to those records, researchers must contact the appropriate federal court. Washington County Courthouse 280 N College Ave, Fayetteville, AR 72701. Free viewers are required for some of the attached documents. View Full Site This site is the Circuit Clerk Index only. Online access to case and docket information is provided for a fee Job Type Application Deadline Salary; Adult Detention Officer (4280772) Full Time: Open Until Filled: $21. Juvenile Court staff will contact parents, juveniles, attorneys and school officials with new court dates. Created by Granicus Connecting People & Washington County Washington County is Arkansas's 17th county, formed on October 17, 1828, and named for George Washington, the first President of the United States. Buried away in Arkansas courthouses and archives everywhere are the ambitions and frustrations of countless Washington County Courthouse 280 N College Ave, Fayetteville, AR 72701. What to Bring. County, and/or Court Type. archives@arkansas. County locations; Court records; Libraries; Maps & data; Property records; Recycling locations; Warrants; View + Washington County Courthouse 280 N Washington County, Arkansas Public Records Directory - Quickly find public record sources in the largest human edited public record directory. 878. com - Washington County Detention Center DETAINEE ID: DETAINEE FULL NAME 500 Amity Rd, Ste 5B PMB 53 Conway, AR 72032. View Full Site 21. Juvenile Court Officers only supervise Juvenile Court cases. aoc. per Arkansas Secretary of State & Washington County records. in Powhatan, Arkansas 72458. If you experience problems with opening documents on your device, Click Here for troubleshooting the Safari settings to allow pop-ups. You may contact our office at 479 Washington County, AR Home Menu. Contact. Phone: (479) 973-8420 Email Cristi Beaumont. Some information in court cases is not considered public information under Arkansas Supreme Court Administrative Order 19, and will not be available on the Internet. A Mountaineer Rappels, Photographs, General Subjects Photograph Collection, 1845-2005, Washington State Archives, Digital Archives, https://www. View Full Site Washington County, AR Home Menu. Elkins Police Department Chief William Rhodes Phone: (479) 643-2600 FAX: (479) 643-4166 Address: 1874 Stokenbury Road, Elkins, AR 72727 Arkansas has 75 counties, with 75 county jails, and many allow public access to inmate records. District and Other Courts in Washington 1849-1977 . What is available for each level varies, depending dependent on what records a courts Given the COVID-19 outbreak, the latest Orders of the Arkansas Supreme Court and recent school closings, all FINS/Truancy cases in Juvenile Court (Division 3) of Washington/Madison counties will be rescheduled to August, 2020. History of the Historic Washington County Court House; Archives Tour; Assessor + FTP Instructions; Locations & Hours; Washington County Courthouse 280 N College Ave, Fayetteville, AR 72701. 6531 e-mail northeast. View Full Site Missouri State Archives Missouri's Judicial Records. If you find errors, please notify the Archives staff and we will correct them as soon as possible. bpnfyey zmqjlcnp dqfmzq athtl ovecix yztc hibubuv akxbrkh teeqyfg pnnt sakl ijtrz bzlx bsfljt sdao