Austin water standard details. Description § 658S.
Austin water standard details WW-145A HDPE Water Meter and Wastewater Cleanout Boxes and Lids 07/01/21 . Concrete cap, cradle and encasement shall conform to City of Austin Standard No. 620S - FILTER FABRIC 1-4-16 Skip to main content. SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE: SERIES 100 - EARTHWORK: ITEM NO. refer to standard 1100s-1 for repairs around manholes. PLAN SHEET Planimetric View. (see note 2) lot 1 lot 2 property line double water lines 1. This program will modernize our water metering system by replacing more than 230,000 analog water meters with digitally-read water meters connected to a wireless network. Austin, TX. org | 512-972-0490 . The Transportation Criteria Manual (TCM) adopted in 2022 called for many new standard details to achieve the safety and multimodal design approaches included in the TCM. All deficiencies below (both bold and non-bold) shall be the architect/engineer assumes standard no. E. ) modified; expand series 100 - earthwork series 100 - earthwork; expand series 200 - subgrade and base construction series 200 - subgrade and base construction; expand series 300 - street surface courses series 300 - street surface courses; expand series 400 - concrete structures Construction plans for water, reclaimed water, and wastewater service (including all associated facilities and appurtenances) shall be submitted to Austin Water's (AW) Utility Development Services (UDS) - Pipeline Engineering for verification of conformance to City of Austin (COA) Standards and Specifications. exterior surfaces of exposed air vent pipe and di support pipe shall be painted per spl ww-3c. 04, 2-14-2022; Rule No. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to secure uniform moisture content throughout Laydown valves shall not be used unless called out on the Drawings. 5. 0511812016 responsibility for appropriate 520-aw-02 adopted use of this standard. valve casting shall be 6" di pipe with bell or collar centered over valve boot. ] 2. Contractor may request Austin, Texas - Standard Specifications Manual; SERIES 500 - PIPE AND APPURTENANCES; ITEM NO. The separation between water, reclaimed water and wastewater mains must comply with TCEQ rules. kyle 520-aw-01a 4' min. box must be behind curb next to property line or Austin, Texas - Standard Specifications Manual; SERIES 500 - PIPE AND APPURTENANCES; ITEM NO. Special Specifications {e. Include results from fire line or fire suppressing sprinklers testing (if applicable). Indicate on the cover sheet, the subdivision file number, include a copy of the service Where water, wastewater, and/or reclaimed water mains cross each other, details shall be shown to indicate compliance with TCEQ requirements. 510S-1, "Concrete Trench Cap". 08/31/2011 record copy signed by kathi l flowers standard backflow preventer on fire line with master meter 520s-19b 1 of 2 flow gravel floor flow in least dimension see note 5 600 mm (24") minimum 300 mm (12") minimum 150 mm (6") min. 610S-2 The water required in sprinkling the layers, to obtain the moisture content necessary for optimum compaction, shall be evenly applied. 5 - Measurement; Show Changes. Pressure zone designation for subject tract and zone boundaries where applicable. www. INDEX . 508S, "Miscellaneous Structures and Appurtenances" City of Austin Standard Details: Designation: Description: 508S-13 Standard Headwall and Energy Dissipators 510S-1 city of austin austin water utility adopted standard no. 859-inch O. Austin, Texas - Standard Specifications Manual; SERIES 600 - ENVIRONMENTAL ENHANCEMENT; Show Changes. The AW Standard Products Lists (SPLs) are considered a STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS MANUAL City of AUSTIN, TEXAS Codified through Rule No. 40 carbon steel round stem extension, fitted on operating nut, [sch. 1. Piping materials and appurtenances shall conform to City of Austin Standard Specifications, Standard Details, and Austin Water (AW) Standard Products List (SPL). 658 - VOID AND WATER FLOW MITIGATION 3-1-2022; Expand ITEM NO. 6 - Payment ITEM Water meter boxes are not allowed in sidewalks or driveways. Piping materials and appurtenances shall conform to City of Austin Standard Specifications, Standard Details, and Austin Water ( AW) Standard Products List (SPL). 658 - VOID AND WATER FLOW MITIGATION 3-1-2022 ITEM NO. 1of3 . Austin City Code. utilities criteria manual; supplement history table; expand section 1 - austin energy design criteria section 1 - austin energy design criteria; expand section 2 - water, reclaimed water, and wastewater criteria section 2 - water, reclaimed water, and wastewater criteria; expand section 3 - coordination of utilities section 3 - coordination of utilities; expand section 4 - utility city of austin austin water utility adopted standard no. 3 (14) of the city of austin standard specifications: backfill above granular bedding as required by section 510. projects. CITY STOCK NUMBER: DESCRIPTION: Casing Spacers for support and isolation of carrier pipe within encasement pipe. All variations are subject to the approval of the Austin Water Utility. WW-146 Concrete Manhole Sections 01/01/22 WW-146A Manhole Seals 10/01/20 . 512 - PRE-CAST WATER UTILITY VAULTS 11/07/22 ITEM NO. Texas Department of Transportation Specifications 8. The Contractor shall use products from the SPLs for all water and wastewater construction unless alternative products are shown on the Drawings; called for in the specifications; or specified in the Bidding AUSTIN WATER SITE PLAN INFORMATION AND SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS CHECK LIST EFFECTIVE MAY 14, 2021 and/or reclaimed water mains cross each other, details shall be shown to indicate compliance with TCEQ requirements. Standard Specifications Manual; Standards Manual; Transportation Criteria Manual; Traditional Neighborhood District Criteria Manual; DRAINAGE CRITERIA MANUAL City of AUSTIN, TEXAS Codified through Rule No. American Water Works Association Specifications 6. 658S - VOID AND WATER FLOW MITIGATION 4-4-12 § 658S. expand series 100 - earthwork series 100 - earthwork; expand series 200 - subgrade and base construction series 200 - subgrade and base construction; series 300 - street surface courses; series 400 - concrete and structures Austin: Standard Specifications Manual: SERIES 500 - PIPE AND APPURTENANCES: ITEM NO. 6425-inch root diameter. the existing paving surface shall be saw cut in a straight line a minimum of 300 mm (12'') wider than the undisturbed sides of the trench, symetrical about the center city of austin austin water standard no. Description ITEM NO. city of austin austin water standard no. STANDARD PRODUCTS LISTS . 11/19/2015 record copy signed by kathi l. City of Austin Standard Specifications (in the absence of any other applicable document) 7. Contractors may, when appropriate, elect to use products from the SPL; City of Austin Standard Details: Designation: Description: No. Minimum depth of cover over the uppermost projection of the pipe and all appurtenances shall comply with City of Austin Standard Details; maximum depth will be as approved by AW for Based on the International Fire Code and verified by Austin Fire Department. 6 - Payment; Show Changes. Austin, Texas - Standard Specifications Manual; SERIES 500 - PIPE AND APPURTENANCES; ITEM NO. see standard The purpose of the Utilities Criteria Manual is to provide guidelines and criteria for design, construction and coordination of electrical, water and wastewater facilities within the IN CASES WHERE THE WASTEWATER SERVICE LINE IS LARGER THAN 12" DIAMETER, THE CONTRACTOR MUST INSTALL A MINIMUM 48" DIAMETER MANHOLE IN LIEU OF Curve data for roads, property lines, water, and reclaimed water lines. The Austin Water (AW) Utility Standard Products Lists (SPL) are considered to form a part of these Specifications. Standard Spec 511. The standard horizontal scale for plan and profile sheets shall be 1” =, 40’, 30 or 20 Expand ITEM NO. - City Standards Manual: https://library. utilize existing alignment for repair or replacement of existing water and wastewater services. Austin 3-1-1. appropriately sized dedicated fire line with a double check detector backflow prevention assembly per Austin Water Standard Detail. typical gate valve 4" - 16" 511-aw-01 1 of 4 notes: 1. 3. , 4. 6 – Replace Standard Details 511S-9A with 511-AW-03. (Supp. air vent pipe installation shall be as near as practical to right-of-way line with Austin, Texas - Standard Specifications Manual; SERIES 500 - PIPE AND APPURTENANCES; ITEM NO. Standard Specifications Manual; Recent Changes; Austin Water (AW) shall be included in all submittal reviews. 03, enacted May 8, 2024. 08/31/2011 record copy signed by kathi l flowers precast manhole with drop inlet on precast base 506s-8 2 of 3 coating the engineer/architect assumes responsibility for appropriate use of this standard. The AW Standard Products Lists (SPLs) are considered a part of the ITEM NO. water that would be contained in the service line as measured from the connection to the City’s water main and the location of the approved backflow prevention assembly. Applicable Signature Blocks. 65 m (66'') min. Payment ; Latest version. 3). Standard details shall not be used as an indicator of available options. notes: 1. R161-22. 01 The Director of the Department of Austin Water has adopted the following rule. o All utilities are to be included in plan/profile (including water, wastewater, and reclaim Each hydrant shall have two 2½ inch nozzles 180 degrees apart with National (American) Standard Fire Hose Coupling Screw Thread NFPA 1963 and one 4-inch pumper nozzle with City of Austin (COA) standard thread-six threads per inch "Higbee" cut, 4. STANDARDS MANUAL City of AUSTIN, TEXAS Codified through Rule No. 80 for lengths over 10'. R and 506. 4. 511 - WATER VALVES 11-06-23; Show Changes. o. 13, 11-7-2022 Austin Water (AW) shall be included in all submittal reviews. Code of Ordinances; VOID AND WATER FLOW MITIGATION 3-1-2022 ITEM NO. kyle08/14/2020 large diameter cleanout 506-aw-04 1 of 1 outlet inlet foundation 24" pipe section a-a 42"x42" concrete pad non-shrink grout all around 42"x42" concrete pad, 8" thick class a 3000 psi w/ 2-#5 bars backfill consisting of 95% compaction or controlled low strength material item Water services shall be in accordance with City of Austin Standard Details. 6-2024) View what's changed Browse table of contents This Code of Ordinances and/or any other documents that appear on this site may not reflect the most current legislation adopted by the Municipality. sizes, refer to the City of Austin Standard Details. Services to lots without a water/wastewater easement will terminate at the property line with a clean-out; service to lots having a 5’ x 5’ water/wastewater easement will terminate within the easement. 2. Refer to City of Austin Standards 511S-1A, 511S-1B, 511S-2A, 511S-2B, 511S-3A SPL NO. Construction plans for water, reclaimed water, and wastewater service (including all associated facilities and appurtenances) shall be submitted to Austin Water's (AW) Utility Development Services (UDS) - Pipeline Engineering for verification of conformance to City of Austin (COA) Standards and Specifications. This series and the technical specifications of the City of Austin Standard Specifications shall govern the construction of the public infrastructure that is related to a subdivision or site development located within the City of Austin and within subdivisions assigned for City of Austin inspection within its five (5) mile 8 kilometer extraterritorial jurisdiction, as well as the Standard Specifications Manual; Standards Manual; Transportation Criteria Manual; Expand SECTION 2 - WATER, RECLAIMED WATER, AND WASTEWATER CRITERIA SECTION 2 - WATER, RECLAIMED WATER, The guidelines and criteria presented in the Austin Water (AW) portion of this manual provide a foundation or starting point for rational engineering Standard Specifications Manual: SERIES 500 - PIPE AND APPURTENANCES: ITEM NO. 14. 101S - PREPARING RIGHT OF WAY 1-4-11 § 101S. RELATED CROSS REFERENCE MATERIALS; Standard Specification Item No. R161-24. Standard Specifications Manual; Recent Changes; Pending Amendments; Previous Versions; VOID AND WATER FLOW MITIGATION 3-1-2022 ITEM NO. Standard Spec 511. Description § 658S. see standard 506s-4a for hdpe ring installation (for use in paved areas only). Submittals § 658S. 750 mm (30") Based on the International Fire Code and verified by Austin Fire Department. The AW Standard Products Lists (SPLs) are considered a part of the R161-19. For reclaimed water piping, the polyethylene shall be purple. Source: Rules No. 660S Austin, Texas - Standard Specifications Manual; SERIES 500 - PIPE AND APPURTENANCES; ITEM NO. (SPL WW-68), or called for in the City of Austin Standard Details (520 - Current standard City of Austin Water and Wastewater construction notes. All project manuals shall include the appropriate City of Austin Standard Specifications. modifications to this standard are prohibited. line 4" 4" property line or esmt. 512-aw-02 1 of 1 use of this standard 6", 8" and 10" fire line meter this standard drawing only applies to fire line meter vaults satisfying both of the following stipulations; otherwise, a project-specific design must be prepared. Procedures Construction plans for water, reclaimed water, and wastewater service (including all associated facilities and appurtenances) shall be submitted to Austin Water's (AW) Utility Development Services (UDS) - Pipeline Engineering for Construction plans for water, reclaimed water, and wastewater service (including all associated facilities and appurtenances) shall be submitted to Austin Water's (AW) Utility Development Services (UDS) - Pipeline Engineering for verification of conformance to City of Austin (COA) Standards and Specifications. City of Cedar Park Utility Policy and Standard Specifications [this document] 5. Austin Water Tap Plan Review, Austin Water Industrial Waste, and Fire Department. 13. air release and air/vacuum valve 511-aw-04 1 of 3 notes: 1. Austin Water Utility Standard Products Designation Description WW-132 In addition to this section all SCMs shall comply with the following requirements in; DCM Section 8. D. gov city of austin austin water utility adopted standard no. 510 - PIPE 12-8-18 § 510. SPL No. p. be agreed to by the Watershed Protection Department and affected departments or utilities such as the Austin Water Utility and the Public Works Department, standard. or esmt. 620S - FILTER FABRIC 1-4-16 | Standard Specifications Manual | Austin, TX | Municode Library. 18. see standard detail 520-aw-01b for water service installation and 520-aw-01c for wastewater service installation. the top of the meter vault shall be at an elevation such that the surrounding ground slopes away from the vault. Payments can be called in to the Austin Water cashier at 512-972-0009; Other requests for information or needs may be sent to AWTaps@austintexas. r8 0 required by section 510. Standard Specifications Manual; Water from the City of Austin will not require testing. weld socket 212'' x 2'' deep to 1'' sch. 3. Austin Water Utility; Current Standard Products Lists Current Standard Products Lists. Water Benchmarking Applications must be submitted online, see 4. 6. jeff a. 17-2024) View what's changed Expand ITEM NO. Materials § 658S. 3, Stormwater Management Ponds, ECM Section 1. 14 gauge Comply with standard trench backfill requirements for open excavation and bore pit repair per relevant details and specifications. 9. 7. 6 – Replace Standard Details 511S-17 with 511-AW-02. Supplementary drawings in the form of special details, as needed, to convey the design intent clearly and concisely. 511S - WATER VALVES 9-26-12 aggregates, with duct tape to restore the continuous protective wrap before backfilling. Austin Water (AW) shall be included in all submittal reviews. Minimum depth of cover over the uppermost projection of the pipe and all Laydown valves shall not be used unless called out on the Drawings. Reduced-wall, resilient-seated gate valves for potable or reclaimed service, including tapping valves, shall Austin, Texas - Standard Specifications Manual; SERIES 400 - CONCRETE STRUCTURES AND MISCELLANEOUS CONCRETE; ITEM NO. 660S - BIOFILTRATION MEDIUM 1-4-16 ITEM NO. including tapping valves, shall conform to AWWA C-509 and Standard Products List item WW-282. 511 - WATER VALVES 11-06-23 ITEM NO. 3 - Materials be agreed to by the Watershed Protection Department and affected departments or utilities such as the Austin Water Utility and the Public Works Department, Standard Specifications Manual: SERIES 500 - PIPE AND APPURTENANCES: ITEM NO. AE Distribution Standards (Purchasing specifications, Construction Standards) Email: AE Distribution Standards 512-505-7141. 5. Revised SPL . Microtrench backfill materials must comply with permitted plans or are otherwise approved by the Transportation and Public Works Department, Office of the City Engineer. 658 - VOID AND WATER FLOW MITIGATION 3-1 (ETJ), submitted for review and approval, must demonstrate compliance with current Austin Water Utility AW Design Criteria and standard lift station specifications. 10, enacted September 6, 2024. g. 511S - WATER VALVES 9-26-12 § 511S. w. For details, see the City of Austin Standard Details. flowers 3", 4" and 6" compound & turbine meter installations 520-aw-06 1 of 2 awu responsibility city ownership removable top 12" property owner's responsibility 72" 108" property lineor edge ofeasement 23 6 910 adjustable pipe saddle support per spl My ATX Water: Austin’s Smart Water Meter System. Skip to ITEM NO. For small fire demand applications where both fire demand and domestic demand can be provided with 2" or smaller meter, a single The City of Austin Water Utility Standard Products Lists AW SPLs are considered a part of the Specifications for the Work. spacing shall be in accordance with manufacturer's product specifications all joints in encased carrier pipe shall be restrained per spl 301 West Second St 2nd Floor Suite 2030, Austin, TX 78701. Austin Water (AW) will make the shutoff after ensuring that all appropriate measures have been taken to protect the Information can be obtained from Austin Water Utility’s Maps and Records and Taps Office at the Waller Creek Center, located at 625 This includes but is not limited to City Standards & Specifications, the Transportation Criteria Manual (TCM), and the Environmental Criteria Manual (ECM). City of Austin. Standard Specifications Manual: SERIES 500 - PIPE AND APPURTENANCES: ITEM NO. water service shall be installed at a shallower grade than wastewater service. 1. Public comment on the proposed new pavement will follow their 1 100S Standard city of austin austin water adopted standard no. for std. 161-24. City of Austin Standard Specifications Designation Description Item 403S City of Austin Water Utility Documents Designation Description SPL WW-146A Austin, Texas - Standard Specifications Manual; SERIES 600 - ENVIRONMENTAL ENHANCEMENT; ITEM NO. TxDOT Right-of-Way Permit (if applicable). 08, enacted September 11, 2024. a vertical face = allowable throat or chimney height = new construction = 525mm = (21") max. line i n n m required by section 510. 4. meter box must be behind curb next to property line or easement and out individual water, reclaimed water, or wastewater line that requires three or more plan and profile sheets. i. Austin Water Construction Standards. The AW Standard Products Lists (SPLs) are Water Tight Wastewater Manhole On Precast Base Typical Details For Curb Inlet Standard Fire Line Installation Without Mater Meter 520S-19C 520S-19C 520S-19C 520-21 5-20-97 What's new in the Water Forward 2024 Update? The updated plan includes refreshed supply, conservation, and onsite reuse strategies based on up-to-date climate and population projections to plan for a range of possible futures. for wastewater lines bedding envelope see item 510 of standard specifications this detail for use only on city of austin c. Where water, Applicators of coatings to the interior surfaces of wastewater manholes, as specified in 506. Page 1 . water / wastewater service on common lot line 1 of 1 11/07/2018 record copy signed jeff a. 658 - VOID AND WATER FLOW MITIGATION 3-1-2022; Show Changes. city of austin austin water adopted standard no. respectively, of the city of austin standard specifications. AUSTIN WATER . Crossings of water, reclaimed water, and wastewater lines shall conform to details in the Drawings. 6. 3, Maintenance and Construction Requirements, and applicable City of Austin Standard Specifications and Standards manuals. municode Austin Water N0) 13 2O1 9. Texas Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices Specifications for Precast Concrete Water and Wastewater Structures Expand . 512 City of Austin Standard Details: Designation: Description: Detail 501S-1 Encasement Detail w/ Casing Spacers American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) by section 510. 403S - CONCRETE FOR STRUCTURES 3-1-22; 403S. Current, applicable City of Austin Standard drawings (Modified Standard drawings are not permitted). austintexas. The AW Standard Products Lists (SPLs) are considered a part of the Specifications for the Work. The AW Standard Products Lists (SPLs) are considered a . See Mr. Home; Standard Products Lists; Effective January 1, 2025. All projects are required to be built in accordance with these City of Austin Standard Specifications, which include other requirements not addressed here. 2. Standard Specifications Manual; Recent Changes; Pending Amendments; Austin Water (AW) shall be included in all submittal reviews. supplement history table (this content was modified in this version of the code. ) modified; expand series 100 - earthwork series 100 - earthwork; expand series 200 - subgrade and base construction series 200 - subgrade and base construction; expand series 300 - street surface courses series 300 - street surface courses; expand series 400 - concrete structures AUSTIN WATER SITE PLAN INFORMATION AND SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS CHECK LIST EFFECTIVE August 30, 2022 Revised:08-30-2022 AustinWater. 660mm (26") 1981mm(6'-6") 762mm(30") city of austin austin water adopted standard no. water service & meter installation - 1" & smaller meters 520-aw-01b 1 of 2 ed cba r. Approval of the lift station plans and specification does not imply the Austin Water Utility AW will accept the lift station for operation and maintenance (Refer to 2. (November 2024 Supp. The AW Standard Products Lists (SPLs) are General. 10th Street, 7th Floor Suite 715, Austin, Texas. Austin Water is currently rolling out a city-wide smart water meter program called My ATX Water. Notice of the proposed rule was posted on October 8, 2019. draft 10/05/2020 encasement pipe detail with casing spacers 501-aw-01 1 of 1 the architect/engineer assumes responsibility for appropriate use of this standard. details 520s-19a, 19b, and 19c, master meter means meter for fire and domestic service. Latest Revision Date WW-3 Fire Hydrants 04/01/21 . 3 (25). North arrow and scale must be shown. Typical cross sections showing Standards for Building Austin Energy Infrastructure. WW- 575 SHEET 1 OF 1 CITY OF AUSTIN STANDARD PRODUCTS LIST for CASING SPACERS USING DEPARTMENT: Water Utility ISSUED: 04/03/95 REVIEWED: 04/01/08 REVISED: 10/01/09 PREPARED BY: Bill Flynn, P. Help; Home; Codes. Separation between water, reclaimed water, and wastewater lines shall be provided as shown in the Drawings. gov ; Water Benchmarking. = existing construction = 675mm (27") max. a Austin, Texas - Standard Specifications Manual; SERIES 600 - ENVIRONMENTAL ENHANCEMENT; ITEM NO. This may include seedbed preparation, sowing of seeds, planting of rooted plants, watering, hydromulch, compost and other management practices, as indicated in the Drawings or as directed by the Landscape Architect, Engineer or designated City of Austin | Austin Water 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr, Ste 3100 Austin, TX 78752 CRAMER, MARY ANN 1 OF 4 CIP PLAN SUBMITTAL AND REVIEW GUIDE o AW Standard Details and Standard Construction Notes. Product Description: Latest Revision Date: WW-3: Fire Hydrants: 04-01-21: WW-3A: Blow-off Valve for Reclaimed Water: 04-01-16: WW-3B: Automatic Flushing Valve: 01-01-11: WW-3C: *01500 Temporary Facilities {e. Read more about it here: 3. Office at the Work site, water, power, security, access roads, parking, traffic control, etc} (DOCX) 08/28/2020 Special Provisions to City Standard Specifications. 511 - WATER VALVES 11-06-23 2. more . This item shall govern the preparation of a seeding and planting area to the lines and grades indicated on the Drawings. Standard Specifications, Standards Manual and the Site Plan Application Instructions. For sewer mains, fifteen (15) inches in diameter or smaller, use the larger size as determined below: a. 610S-1 Tree Protection Fence Locations No. 16 – Standard Specifications – Austin Water (2) Water Line/New Wastewater Line Separation . 3 (14) of the city of austin standard specifications; backfill above granular bedding as required by section 510. J, shall be listed on Austin Water (AW) Standard Products List (SPL) WW-511. ) This Code of Ordinances and/or any other Include current version of the Austin Water General Information and Construction Notes for Commercial Sites and Subdivision Plans sheet for stamps, latest Standard Austin These guidelines are intended to establish the minimum basic design requirements for water, reclaimed water, and wastewater systems within the Full Purpose and Limited Purpose Austin, Texas - Standard Specifications Manual; SERIES 500 - PIPE AND APPURTENANCES; ITEM NO. The main shall be designed such that the Peak Dry Weather Flow shall Laydown valves shall not be used unless called out on the Drawings. 511 - WATER VALVES 11-06-23; Expand ITEM NO. Design Requirements. Contractors may, when appropriate, elect to use products from the SPL; however, submittal to the E/A is still required. 12 - Payment; Show Changes. The AW Standard Products Lists (SPLs) are considered a part of the city of austin austin water adopted standard no. Skip to main content. Utilities Criteria Manual - The Utilities Criteria Manual provides guidelines and criteria for design, construction and coordination of water and wastewater facilities within the City of Austin and outside the city to the boundaries of the utility service STANDARDS MANUAL City of AUSTIN, TEXAS Codified through Rule No. potable water pipe shall be painted safety blue. Notifications; Sign In. 503 - FRAMES, GRATES, RINGS AND COVERS 11-07-22; Show Changes. 658 - VOID AND WATER FLOW MITIGATION 3-1-2022; 658. The following details are published as interim details in advance of 4. Austin: Standard Specifications Manual. 511 - WATER VALVES 11-06-23; 511. Date last reviewed or modified: 07/09/2024. Backflow Installation Standards Water customers directly connected to or serviced by the City of Austin’s potable water or reclaimed water Austin Water Utility Standard Products Lists (SPL) form a part of the Specifications. 150 mm access lid, min. 660S City of Austin Standard Details: Designation: Description: 647S-1 Mulch Berm 646S. ) This Code of Ordinances and/or any other documents that appear on this site may not reflect the most current legislation adopted by the Municipality. Austin Water, located at 625 E. water service & meter installation - 1" & smaller meters 520-aw-01b 1 of 2 the architect/engineer assumes (14) of the city of austin standard specifications; backfill above granular bedding as required by section 510. (see note 2) 4' min. CSI Divisions 2-16} Construction plans for water, reclaimed water, and wastewater service (including all associated facilities and appurtenances) shall be submitted to Austin Water's (AW) Utility Development Services (UDS) - Pipeline Engineering for verification of conformance to City of Austin (COA) Standards and Specifications. No. rraib bio btcf fmfoyk mfci zmxlkl snqm ttel lrfl sxyjgcar tmer dartj enf avn fle