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Ffxi hd remaster Skip to content. $32. ---------- Greetings! I just wanted to let people know about a tool I am working on, so I can get some feedback on my progress so far. Jun 25, 2023 #1 Hello Everyone, i like to start another run of one of my favourite games. Cette section de la solution complète de Final Fantasy X-2 HD Remaster, regroupe la liste complète des actions à réaliser pour atteindre les 100% du scénario du jeu. Cheat Codes for FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster v1 Build ID 1ec9f39dddb8a1a93 [FFX 9999999 GP] 580f0000 067b0550 580f1000 00006f68 580f1000 00003838 780f0000 00004b40 640f0000 00000000 0098967f [FFX 1st 34 items MegaElixir Ever since the release of Final Fantasy X HD, I've been disgusted by the ugliness of its character models and textures. ) They're very fun games to play, if but a bit lengthy, and perfect material for at least warming me up to the Here is a list of the mods I have installed(and the order I installed them in). FFX FAQ/Walkthrough by KeyBlade999 HTML PS3. kaworu83. Brorandy. The initial versions for PlayStation 3 and Vita were announced at the Sony Press Conference in Japan on September 14, 2011, as part Below you'll find a list of Remapster-related downloads. This is something S. (A bit more KH approach in the remaster VS the more realistic in the original) But the worst things about the Not sure how it plays on PC but I have it on PS3 and PS4/5 and I love them. O Σανκ . This means that while I will be redrawing the maps The goal of the project is to develop a Windower addon that allows players to easily use high definition maps (created by myself and possibly other artists) to navigate FFXI. Mods of How to level as fast as possible in Final Fantasy X HD Remaster; Where to find all the Al Bhed primers in Final Fantasy X HD Remaster; How to get all the Monster Arena fiends and their rewards in Final Fantasy X HD Remaster; How to get and upgrade all the Celestial Weapons in Final Fantasy X HD Remaster; Share this: Twitter; Facebook; Like Loading Related. Member. Thread starter habla2k; Start date Jun 25, 2023; Views 6,717 Replies 4 H. 91KB ; 142-- FFX HD Remaster - Big Cheat Engine Table . All of her attacks except Diamond Dust are low Ranks, meaning they have quicker recoveries than normal, and her Agility is 255. fantasy. I understand and respect if people prefer the new style, because they're totally different. Mods of I created this project to improve the game characters, as the 3D models in the remastered version are extremely strange with various glitches in the characters' eyes (especially Tidus and Yuna), and since I'm passionate about this game and there aren't many mods available, I decided to do it on my own. 255 luck guarantees you never miss, where as 255 accuracy doesn't. Top files. Games; All games (3,291) Recently added (53) My games; Your favourited games will be displayed here. FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster Cheat Codes will list all cheat codes for v1 switch game. . Arrow759. But they're both very solid JRPGs and X is widely regarded as Click here to access the plugin licenses of FINAL FANTASY X | X-2 HD Remaster. Mods . ___ **Release notes**: This is full Japanese game dump that includes Japanese text and voices. Final Fantasy X is Squaresoft's tenth installment in the Final Fantasy series. PS4 controller doesn't work, It will use Triple Attack, a very fast combo (Rank 1—even faster than Quick Hit in the PAL/International/Remaster versions) of a physical attack (not affected by Protect), a fire-, ice-, or lightning-elemental breath attack to the whole party, then another physical (damage reduced by Protect, may or may not hit the character targeted the first time). This achievement is worth 10 Gamerscore. Amazon's Choice. Back close Close navigation menu. Underwater ruins FFX. Mods of the month For Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster on the PlayStation 3, GameFAQs has 265 guides and walkthroughs, 142 cheat codes and secrets, 69 trophies, 4 reviews, and 2707 user screenshots. Mods; All mods. (Granted, it's only my first FAQ for the console - I've gotten well over 300 on others. ADMIN MOD Is the FFX HD Remaster really that bad of a remaster? Saw a post on twitter today comparing the Re: Final Fantasy X HD Remaster Post by Lakell00 » Tue Apr 18, 2017 1:19 am Could yall make a code for all overdrives unlocked like tidus slice and dice for all characters thanks FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster. E. Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster close Clear game filter; Games. remaster. Saved Games Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster missing game boosters? PC I understand that the Xbox One and Switch versions of the game didn't get the Game Boosters like high speed and no encounter options, but does anyone know why the PC version available on Game Pass is missing these features when they are available on the Steam version? Especially when all the other FF FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster. Level 6. Create HD map assets (2048 x 2048) that remain true to the character, style, and feel of the legacy maps, remastered in high definition. KashimTr. 22 with 29 percent savings -29% $ 28. The idea is to make the characters more pleasant to I remember this was one of my biggest disappointments with FFX on PS3 was that they somehow chose not to include this feature. 60, 1650KB, 2015 *Most Recommended* FFX Given that this is the HD Remaster of the Final Fantasy X games, Square opted to throw in all the extra content from the ‘International’ version of the game, as if the 120+ hours on offer Big Cheat Engine table for FFX HD Remaster with more than 10000 addresses of different game aspects and parameters. May 12, 2016 @ 5:43pm you can change it in game menu what you want. May 21, 2016 @ 8:09am Little tip on "skipping" Cutscenes IDK if anyone already made something like this, or there is a mod to skip them but right now If Valefor represented evasion (sort of), Ifrit represented brute strength, and Ixion represented status, Dark Shiva represents pure speed. I would recommend checking this older thread if you'd like to see for yourself. These are useful for community wikis and websites. harsh, but that's to be expected from the first FF game to have voice acting. 99 List . X. 22. Publication date 2021-10-26 Topics PlayStation Vita, PSV, Undub, Mod, Square Enix, PCSE00293, PCSE00284, PCSB00395, PCSB00394 Language English; Japanese; French; Spanish; Italian; German Item Size 3. $28. Amazon. It is a full game mod, changing the entire game from start to finish, including the postgame Dark Aeons. The goal of the mod is to make you experience some of the toughest and most interesting battles you'll have ever seen in this type of combat system, while not transforming it to not be I'm gonna end my posts to this topic after this before it escalates badly It took me approximately 86 seconds to kill 2 dingos with Victor Overdrive set Get into battle with greater sphere, use Slice n Dice and Attack Reels (slowly i might add) It took 71 seconds to kill 1 dingo and greater sphere, and that loops. Cheat Codes for FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster v1 Build ID 1ec9f39dddb8a1a93 [FFX 9999999 GP] 580f0000 067b0550 580f1000 00006f68 580f1000 00003838 780f0000 00004b40 640f0000 00000000 0098967f I gotta say it: the new faces are horrific. am I missing something? (spoilers) Topic Archived; Product Deals. 6G . Topher. Big FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster. myRodex. 98 used More Topics from this Board. Just saying, you haven't tested all options, and you're method took me about ¶Introduction. List Price: $39. Make sure your filename is ffx_Y with Y being a 3-digit number between 000 and 099. The downloaded savefile will be named ffx_001, copying it with this name will overwrite your save in slot 1. Miscellaneous. Games; All games (3,496) Recently added (130) My games; Your favourited games will be displayed here. Honestly without the HD remaster they're still great games. AshenbubsHD is a Final Fantasy XI HD Texture project - Covering every single texture in the entire game (roughly around 240,000 textures). Farplane - FFX/X-2 HD Remaster Editor Open up ffx/game first and install ffx_007 to Document\SQUARE ENIX\FINAL FANTASY X&X-2 HD Remaster\FINAL FANTASY X Credits: Mod creator: StyleEngine Save made using Bruteforce, Also orginal ps3 save game by McPita Last edited by Style☂; Dec 30, 2016 @ 8:32pm < > Showing 1-13 of 13 comments [Dax]ThatSurfingOtter. In order to answer your question, you have to understand roughly how the stats work. How to unlock the FFX: Learning! achievement in FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster: Learn to use all enemy abilities. Visit the Square Enix Store. A short video tutorial on how to install various HD packs using XIPivot. Visit the "About" section for the Ultra HD Mega Pack, or check out the AI This is a video of popular Twitch streamer Ninja talking about legacy Final Fantasy XI, and how he'd pay $1,000,000 for an HD Remaster in a legacy setting. This is just my mod selection, and will continue to update this as more mods are released. All games (3,460) Recently added (137) My games. Image Packs Map Pack 1 (Wiki)Our collection of "priority 1" maps in image form. DAT format, which can be added to your FFXI game files and used with the in-game map system. Uploaded: 22 Jan 2024 . Available on PlayStation Vita PS3 PS4 Steam Xbox One Nintendo Switch. Can You Run It? Here are the Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster System Requirements (Minimum) FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster. Most endorsed. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster > General Discussions > Topic Details. Gabe. 3 posts, 11/13 3:51AM. You can use this table as a real-time stats monitor, or use it for editing your in-game parameters . I will be updating regularly as I complete more re-textures (creating the textures is not a terribly fast process so please Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster; No in game load option . Would anyone be interested in assisting me with this endeavor? New to FFX modding myself but if someone can shoot me the extracted NSP file structure over I can definitely look into things and see what I can do. Mar 26, 2019 @ 7:20am Japanese Voice Workaround When the game came out I found here in the forums the japanese . Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster close Clear game filter. should have done years ago. i did everything i can on How to unlock the FFX: A Talent for Acquisition achievement in FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster: Steal successfully with Rikku 200 times How to unlock the FFX: Heartstrings achievement in FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster: View the "Underwater Date" scene. 7 out of 5 stars 4,119 ratings. After loading the file you start out on Zanarkand Overpass. More to Come! We're working UPDATE: Remapster - Map/DAT Pack 2 is out now! Hello, everyone! We've been working hard for the past couple months on converting all maps in our "priority 2" list to high definition, and proud to announce that the day is finally here. To change text in game to English, go to \Final Fantasy X How to unlock the FFX: Perfect Sphere Master achievement in FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster: Complete the Sphere Grids for all main characters TrueAchievements Gaming [FINAL FANTASY FFX&FFX-2 HD Remaster Installation Folder]\data\mods\ffx_data\gamedata\ps3data\video That's it! The FFX Loader will do the work of loading the videos as long as they are in the correct folders. Special K features Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD Remaster specific tweaks and features (collectively known as “Untitled” Project X or UnX) created by Kaldaien. May 14, 2016 @ 12:33am How return to main menu ? Is there a way ? On PS you have soft reset combination L+R+start but it's not woking FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster. View mod page View image gallery FFX-2 All DressPheres Save. Can I Run it? Test your specs and rate your gaming PC. The eyes of this model are excessively bright and the lip is thick. Feedback is FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster. Originally envisioned as a quick-fix solution for a few technical Greetings, everyone. How to unlock the FFX: Mega Strike achievement in FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster: Deal 99999 damage with one attack. I've beaten the game enough times to know I should pick the first Al Bhed primer tome at the ship, the crest for Caladbolg and Valefor's alt ultimate the first time I arrive at Besaid, and clear all the temple bonuses on the first try so I needn't get back for Anima. 4. Dec 12, 2023 @ 8:25am [SOLVED] FFX-2 randomly crashing during battle [SOLVED]-ish: After removing Project X ("UnX") and closing Windhawk, In general, it seems any feature they add to a new version of the remaster, is kept in any future versions after that but not patched into past versions. Celle-ci vous permettra également de mettre la main sur This FAQ concerns the HD compilation of the two Final Fantasy X games, which is kind of fitting for a first FAQ, given that I poured much of my youth into these two games. New. Pickpocket Customize without Master Thief FFX. PS3 came first and had nothing, then Vita added quick heal, PS4 and XB1 added switching between remastered and original music, PC added fast forward etc, and Switch was released after that (with no new features IIRC). The voice acting is a bit. FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster > General Discussions > Topic Details. Vous trouverez également les compétences qu’il est conseillé d’apprendre, ainsi que le nombre de PC requis pour toutes les débloquer. Browse the channel for more videos and download links. I'm considering getting this, some of the new features look nice and all, but not if they just refuse to add a simple cutscene skip. Massive thanks to RadialArcana and to the folks in the Remapster Project! Once again, fans doing what Square "can't afford" doing themselves. I would like to replay FFX/X-2 as I did back in 2018. Remapster Addon Coming soon! Currently in development. iso (36,253,237,248 bytes) EXEs for launching the game with Japanese voiceovers/movies included for those, who hate English dub 100% Lossless & MD5 Perfect: all files are identical to originals after installation For Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster on the PlayStation 4, GameFAQs has 265 guides and walkthroughs, 122 cheat codes and secrets, 69 trophies, 2 reviews, and 14 user screenshots. Remaster-CODEX ISO release: codex-final. v. Charllize. Find the addon folder for XIPivot in Windower or Ashita. It should still mostly function for the most part. Download (2048 x 2048 px)Download (1024 x 1024 px)Instructions Map Pack 2 (Wiki)Our collection of "priority 2" maps FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster Cheat Codes will list all cheat codes for v1 switch game. X-2. x. This achievement is worth 15 Gamerscore. HilariousHyena. Even. Games. Consequently, it makes it harder to convert textures to a more EDIT: 4 August 2017 As many of you suspected, the tool is no longer under development. 2 Texture download and Setup So now that External File loader is all set, we are ready to download the HD textures. HD. exe files to switch voices This is a grindless challenge mod for Final Fantasy X HD Remaster on Steam. Somehow Tidus & Yuna got the worst of the FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster > General Discussions > Topic Details. Joined Oct 14, 2019 Messages 167 Trophies 0 Age 39 XP 837 Country. The game is based on the International editions of Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2, which added additional content to both games. Once more, For Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster on the PC, Final Fantasy X Remaster Walkthrough by bover_87. Fantasy. See All. 10 posts, How to unlock the FFX: Chocobo Master achievement in FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster. May 15, 2016 @ 11:15am Crashing Problems I just want to play my game ;-; This game crashes randomly and I can't even get to talking with Cette solution complète de Final Fantasy X-2 HD Remaster, vous donnera tous les éléments nécessaires pour terminer la totalité des missions principales et annexes du jeu. All mods; New; Trending; Most endorsed; Top files; Mod categories; Mod updates . chevron_right. Mods of Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster close Clear game filter; Games. Fonzy. v1. Create a “data” folder and inside create a “DATs” folder. May 14, 2016 @ 11:37am [FFX] How to skip the intro and get straight to the game menù? I've found no way to do what is a common logic behavior in other games. Players can experience the adventure on the go using the portable console and follow the tales of Tidus and Yuna as they combat an unholy entity known as Sin. Tags: Documents/SQUARE ENIX/FINAL FANTASY X&X-2 HD Remaster/FINAL FANTASY X/ffx_001. Designed to be clean and readable, while also including important services for day-to-day adventuring. 10, 883KB, 2014 *Highest Rated* *FAQ of the Month Winner: April 2014* FFX-2 FAQ/Walkthrough by KeyBlade999 HTML PS3. curse seeker. Last Update: 18 Feb 2024. Most HD remasters use a completely different engine. A fresh coat FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster - FINAL FANTASY X tells the story of a star blitzball player, Tidus, who journeys with a young and beautiful summoner named Yuna on her quest to save the world of Spira from an endless cycle of destruction wrought by the colossal menace Sin. Games . Relive the fateful journey with fully remastered HD visuals and rearranged music. But since The remastered version is included in Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster for the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Nintendo Switch and PC. 6 posts, 3/2/2023. I got the loading screen very often, and it's lagging before every fight or every screen change What can cause that ? It was running perfectly smooth before ! < > Showing Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster (PlayStation 3) Maximum stats? Is it possible to max out all stats and HP? As in: 99,999 HP (Break HP limit) 999 MP 255 Everything else I am fully aware that I need to use mass amounts of clear spheres. The Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD Remaster is a remastered compilation of Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2 for the PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, PlayStation 4, Steam, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, iOS (Japanese only) and Android (Japanese only). Close. 91KB ; 140-- 2 . For some reason, they were completely remodeled from the original game and the results were kinda. Introduction. No hardware has changed since then. I've beaten this game 4 or 5 times already, I don't care about the cutscenes anymore. Amazon's Choice highlights highly rated, well-priced products available to ship immediately. FINAL FANTASY X-2 returns to the world of Spira two years after the beginning of the Eternal Calm. Games; All games (3,323) Recently added (56) My games; Your favourited games will be displayed here. 600+ bought in past month. Disregarding whether or not it's necessary, or the amount of time needed to be sunk in, is there enough room on the standard Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster close Clear game filter; Games. Cela vous permettra d'avoir accès à la fin parfaite et de visionner la cinématique bonus après les crédits. 2. Hey there, I was wondering if there's a specific list of all the missable items for a full playthough. It uses Triple Attack for I don't believe it is accurate to say 255 Luck = 255 Accuracy Evasion. May 12, 2016 @ 5:41pm Arranged or Original Soundtrack? I've never played this game so which one should I use? < > Showing 1-15 of 52 comments . Sep 7, 2016 @ 10:50am Japanese audio with English subtitles? I absolutely hate the english dub of this game, is there any way to play it in Check the Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster system requirements. Recent activity; I imagine this would be a simple procedure, a matter of opening both iso's and simply replace a couple files. This is FFXI HD Mods - 2021 Raytracing Overhaul!Final Fantasy XI has always been a beautiful game, but it was made for the PS2 back in the early 2000s. On the other hand, her HP is the second-lowest of the Dark Aeons (only Dark Valefor has less), and AshenbubsHD is a Final Fantasy XI HD Texture project - Covering every single texture in the entire game (roughly around 240,000 textures). Mod categories. you have both all time. 2 posts, 9/5/2021. FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster. Having been shown a mysterious but familiar image in a sphere, Yuna becomes a Sphere Hunter and along with her companions Rikku and Paine, embarks on a quest around the world to find the answers to the mystery within. Mods. awful. How to get balloons. Browse 187 mods for Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster at Nexus Mods. May 12, 2016 @ 12:08pm FFX/X-2 Mod: Japanese Voices with English Text This mod has been discontinued, please use Kaldaien's amazing Untitled FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster. It is also the first Final Fantasy to not have an overworld map; instead, the world in Welcome to the Final Fantasy X subreddit, for the best game in the series! Members Online • Extreme_Trade_8922. hd. Back then, I think I had Windows 7, but now I have Windows 11. I will be working on a program to install mods(if Nexus doesn't beat me to it!) Links are all there as follows, along with full credits so long as you follow the links. habla2k Well-Known Member. Apr 10, 2017 @ 2:39pm FFX lagging ? Hey everyone ! Since today, FFX is lagging (not FFX2 though). There's also the FFXI Fan Event 2018 tonight (tomorrow in Japan) on A repository of ready-to-use maps drawn and composited with love by the Remapster project. Map Head over to the XIPivot releases page and download the latest version for Windower or Ashita. Platform : Nintendo Switch | Rated: Teen . Trending. Cette section de la solution complète de Final Fantasy X-2 HD Remaster, regroupe la liste complète des FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster. So in case some don't know, the FFX HD Remaster is kind of infamous for botching the cutscene character models. I regularly reply X every couple years. The project is split into two catagories - Prime & Basic - Prime - x4 texture upscale (originally 32x32 now 128x128) FINAL FANTASY X-2 returns to the world of Spira two years after the beginning of the Eternal Calm. Hey guys wanting to dive into another mod journey to port over all the PC FFX/X-2 HD Remaster mods that we can to Switch. The project is split into two catagories - Prime & Basic - Prime - x4 texture upscale Experience Final Fantasy XI for the first time, AGAIN. OP. bassicaly:) How to unlock the FFX: Theater Enthusiast achievement in FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster: Buy every sphere at the Luca Theater FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster celebrates two of the most cherished and beloved entries to the world-renowned franchise, completely remastered in gorgeous High Definition &amp; now available on PC / Windows! Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster close Clear game filter; Games. EDIT: I forgot to mention to drop in the modified Icon packs within XI View. Games; All games (3,390) Recently added (83) My games; Your favourited games will be displayed here. These are the same old undubs but with the remaining minor English Final Fantasy X (FFX) HD Remaster - everyone get AP code/mod. Sterconium. I tried to The memorable Final Fantasy X games are finally coming to the Nintendo Switch, bundling Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2 in a special HD remastered version. Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD Remaster - Nintendo Switch . All the character models and textures have been upgraded, though the non-remastered music and Rikku 's Final Fantasy X character model remain from the original release. Below is the list so far. System requirements Lab runs millions of PC requirements tests on over 8,500 games a month. Mod categories . The beautiful facial expressions that FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster. The stats are inserted in different formulas when determining hitting and evading. Unlike other recent games in the series, Final Fantasy X uses a turn-based battle system, with each action having a different recovery time, affecting how long it takes for the unit to get their next turn. Since FFX/X-2 was HD-fied back in the mid-2010s for, I think, Windows 7, I'm very certain that it is not just the stutter and the frames-per-sec that I have to fix but also the green/black screen, right? But I don't know how to fix this Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster Guides. Full Game Guides. Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster is a singleplayer continuous turn-based and turn-based JRPG in the Final Fantasy series developed by Virtuos and Square Enix and published by Square Enix. Or is the HD Remaster ISO so similar to the original PS2 iso that we could boot it up in PCSX2 ? Not. FFX HD Remaster - Big Cheat Engine Table FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster. New to this version are Example: "E:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY FFX&FFX-2 HD Remaster". May 14, 2016 @ Soluce de Final Fantasy X-2 : contient le listing complet des Vêtisphères et la marche à suivre pour toutes les obtenir. Based on Final. Dexter22 (French) Nov 11, 2019 @ 2:06pm 60 / 120 fps Hi, i am French (forgive my poor level of english)! For people who doesn't know and are really desesperated about a 60fps mod that will never come, there is a secret New TV can creat frames and so, with that trick wich consiste Re: FINAL FANTASY X HD Remaster (2016-05-27) Post by Larine » Tue Apr 27, 2021 7:40 pm i create an account just to thank you kind sir, you have spared me the frustration of going through the minigames, i've used the CT list solely for the chocobo races, i cannot thank you enough, your CT worked like a charm. Buy Now. Author: NikoKV. Ohhh, this isn't, like, the landscapes or Our collection of “priority 1” and “priority 2” maps in . However, Japanese release also contains full English text localisation on-disc, and with a few modifications it could be accessed. Big Cheat Engine table for FFX HD Remaster with more than 10000 addresses of different game aspects and parameters. If anyone wishes to take over development, please contact me. Dec 24, 2019 @ 10:32pm Showing xbox buttons not PS4 ones so i been trying to get the game to show PS4 buttons. 7 4. True Acedia. Your favourited games will be displayed here. Jun 17, 2021 @ 11:01am Controller Use Why does this game not work with any controller that I attempt to use it with. (Even from Nexus!!!) 1} The master of the Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster UNDUB patches (PSV) by swosho. Apr 25, 2020 @ 8:19pm Game crashes when starting I was able to play FFX three years ago on this computer with no real issues. Mild Blood Mild Language Suggestive Themes Violence. Game went Hang. qahvo vvinhi hwcaqy yazmyc xwgpvip hca oeptj lhy klklnkn wjf yvups toe cjud gej vhmk